02 January 2010

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For the last couple of days, I can't stop thinking about the men and women in uniform, many of them National Guardsmen and Reserves, who are leaving for Afghanistan this year, their third, fourth tours of combat in under seven years. They're going over there to do a job that many argue can be accomplished with a few CIA operatives, Special Forces units, and drones. Many argue nothing can be accomplished at all for that matter.

When I voted in the last Presidential election, I had hoped I was voting for peace on Earth, revolutionary environmental policy reform, universal health care, education reform. Was I not?

It's complicated, I know--nonviolence, stewardship, compassion. Oh, the humanity!


Write the World said...

I hear ya, man. I was going to ask you about that when he made the decision but I was curled up in a ball on the floor of my closet weeping profusely. I'm still holding out hope, but I feel like I'm not really getting what I voted for. I mean, is it me or does it seem like Obama is just trying to please everybody? And damn him for making me say something nice about Bush, but at least W didn't give a flip about what people thought about him. When I voted for Obama, I wanted the radical liberal that Glenn Beck is hallucinating now.

matfst said...

I'm losing patience with the guy.

A good friend of mine said it's time for him to make some very public enemies--dems and repbubs. It might be too late though.

I still acknowledge that he came in under paralyzing circumstances, but that's no excuse for making decisions like this one and rolling over so easily on health care reform.

Write the World said...

I agree with you there. Like I said, I'm still holding out hope, but it's wavering.