This is "pretty girl." She's been roaming our neighborhood this whole week with no collar, and Bookie and I have stopped to say hello every morning as we passed on the morning walk. No one I've talked to has seen her around before. Well today, she came home with me. I gave her a bath and fed her and let her lie down in the air conditioning all evening. Gonna do everything I can to find her family. I've put messages up on all the local websites, and I'm printing signs tomorrow, but I got a bad feeling she was dropped off, abandoned, at the Mount Holly Cemetery last weekend, where she's been hanging out for the most part. I think she's uh-oh-prego...
25 August 2011
Foster Child
This is "pretty girl." She's been roaming our neighborhood this whole week with no collar, and Bookie and I have stopped to say hello every morning as we passed on the morning walk. No one I've talked to has seen her around before. Well today, she came home with me. I gave her a bath and fed her and let her lie down in the air conditioning all evening. Gonna do everything I can to find her family. I've put messages up on all the local websites, and I'm printing signs tomorrow, but I got a bad feeling she was dropped off, abandoned, at the Mount Holly Cemetery last weekend, where she's been hanging out for the most part. I think she's uh-oh-prego...
24 August 2011
Moderate Gains & Losses
- 24 lbs. and counting
- attachment to a couple of bad habits
- the dark cloud, doubt
- bitterness toward some of my life history
- a brilliant nephew, Matthew
- Chipper "Bookie" Jones as gun dog, loyal companion
- doable and healthy lifestyle routine
- Mama and wife back home for good (no travel for work)
- hope
- a banjo and a smile
- the desire to write
20 August 2011
Here's the Letter I Would Write
August 19, 2011
To Whom It May Concern:
I am a dependable, conscientious, spirited teacher. There is plenty of data to back it up. Any given year, my students’ standardized test scores over my thirteen-year tenure with the school district have been comparable with or better than any other teachers in the state of Arkansas in my disciplines and subject areas. During that tenure, I have taught eighth grade, ninth grade, and twelfth grade Regular English. I have taught Pre-AP Physics to ninth graders and Pre-AP Biology to tenth graders. Now, I teach Creative Writing, a twelfth grade elective course, and I teach AP English Literature and Composition—the two highest-level English courses that our school district offers. Former students, many of which I wrote, and continue to write letters of recommendation for, are currently attending or have graduated from the finest universities in the nation. They have travelled the world on prestigious fellowships to study and to explore. They are graduate students, teachers, lawyers, popular culture celebrities, scientists, artists, and military officers. They are my tennis teammates, adopted family to my wife and three year old son, fellow band members, hiking partners, and confidantes. They have been featured in news publications for scholarships that they have received as a result of hard work, determination, and the stellar guidance and interdisciplinary instruction that they received at a fine high school with the finest administration.
This year, at the pre-school in-service sessions I was unimpressed by the organization, preparedness, and relevance of the professional growth seminars that were offered to the English teachers in the district. At the high school English meetings this year, my experience was a living nightmare—set in a circus. Day one was almost intolerable. But the most specific and apt proof I can give was the day two presentation for AP English teachers in the district. We were told in advance that we would receive training on the new textbooks we had adopted for the coming school year. I was eager to see the new materials and to learn how they could be utilized in my classroom. And this was important. Adopting a new textbook means extra preparation: new syllabi to prepare; new works of literature to annotate; page numbers to log; units of study to create; lectures to write; activities and assessments to design. In short, I needed this P.D. It was supposed to be valuable.
When I arrived at 8:15 for my 8:30 a.m. meeting, I was met at the door by a supervisor who informed me that I needed to behave in a more professional manner today than I had the previous one. I was cordially warned that I was being watched. (I must say here that day one, I listened to every piece of information that was presented, and I completed every task that was asked of me with due diligence, if not enthusiasm.) That was how my day started. When I reported to the classroom where AP teachers were to meet, I immediately learned that the presenter was there to provide a full, six-hour workshop on the textbook that the AP English Language and Composition teachers adopted this year. The presenter was disoriented, rattled even. She didn’t have the materials that she had been promised. There were NONE of the new English Language books or the new English Literature books to be found anywhere in the building! We searched; trust me. She had prepared for and was expecting a room full of AP Language teachers. In that room were ten AP English Literature teachers and two AP Language teachers. We were furious, disheartened, and deflated. The morning session was a two-hour, slow motion train wreck while we sorted out the confusion. The AP Language textbook expert apologized profusely and assured us that she had been told she was there to present to AP Language teachers. I felt horrible for her. What’s more, she was one of the authors of the textbook!!! There she stood, the supreme authority on the subject matter, and the district could not get its act together enough, pay her the professional courtesy to have the materials that she needed to present an effective, informative workshop?! I think I speak for everyone in that room, and I think it is an understatement, when I say that we, the teachers, were embarrassed and exasperated.
The books were delivered around 10:30. We all agreed to take a short break, gather ourselves, and to come back and make the best of the situation. We did that, and no thanks to the planning and foresight and intentions of the powers that be, we had a reasonably good and productive afternoon. The author/presenter, bless her sweet, brilliant heart, gracefully answered questions we had about the AP Language curriculum. We learned some differences between what she teaches (Language and Comp) and what the vast majority of the people in the room teach (Literature and Comp). We discussed the differences and similarities between her experiences in private education and ours in public education and the commonalities and individuation between Arkansas teachers and New York teachers. (She had not experienced the same level of frustration and contention that we had with her school’s P.D. opportunities, by the way. She is given enormous freedom to fulfill her continuing education requirements as sees fit.) So the day wasn’t a complete waste. Mind you, that’s not what she had been hired and paid good money to do.
In my thirteen years with the district, there have been a dozen in-service, professional development training workshops like the one I have just described for every organized, appropriate, or illuminating district workshop in which I have participated. And the problem has only gotten worse. Ask. Any. Teacher. They will echo that sentiment. Simply put, this is unacceptable.
I am in a certification year. My licensure expires December 31st. Because of the school district’s P.D. policies, I am being forced to prove to the ADE that I served as an AP Reader in 2007 and 2008. (I received credit with the the district for participating in 2006, before you changed your rules—therefore the ADE has a record of those hours.) The ADE and College Board and AP Central certify and endorse 42 hours of professional development for high school teachers and college professors who attend these ten-day, summer training and exam grading sessions. EVERYONE who participates agrees that it is the single most valuable professional growth opportunity that they have the honor and privilege to be a part of every year. But you, school district, don’t acknowledge this training as worthy and valuable, and as a result, I will have to go to great lengths to insure the security of my livelihood this fall. I have all of the documentation on file, and I should be recertified with little formal hassle from the ADE. But it should not have come to this. As a result of your P.D. policies, I will have to make appointments with state education officials, deliver documents to the capital, and hope that the powers that be there follow through and issue me the recertification that I have earned and that I deserve. I should have received an automatic renewal, but that is not what has happened.
It is my hope, my dream, that one day you will finally listen to the classroom teacher—the true expert—and allow her the professional courtesy and respect that she has given you for years. There has to be a change. We are dying out here. You are sucking out our souls every year, slowly, a little more and more and more. The highest ranking officials in the P.D. division, quite frankly, have been inaccessible and condescending. I do not charge any one individual with guilt or responsibility or ineptitude in these matters. The entire professional development system is fundamentally flawed—from the top, down.
I do appreciate your time and attention. I would never intentionally disrespect my authorities unless their behaviors and policies disrespected and threatened my professional abilities, my family’s financial security, my livelihood. This means too much to me to float idly in the eddy of organizational mediocrity any longer while a broken, archaic system ruins it for everyone involved. I am paddling.
There are new leaders in place this year. There is a new organizational structure in our administration. Now is the time to do something new and something better. It is never too late to acknowledge and identify our problems, make new priorities, find common ground, and chop away at our weaknesses—together. That is the essence and beauty of education. Do not let ignorance or blindness define you.
Dirt Bombs
18 August 2011
Obama or Bust
It appears to me as if President Obama's just waiting, like a tiger in the high grass. He can't start too early. And he's got a job to do; he's a little busy. He's waiting patiently and the dude's gonna pounce. And when he does, his people are going to be ready to go with him.
Reagan/Mondale-esque landslide in 2012? An Independent, conservative friend of mine said that to me yesterday. As crazy as that sounds at this point in time-------------just remember where you heard it first. I will, C.D. I don't think it will be a landslide of that magnitude, but I am starting to think the American people are just voicing their valid frustrations with politicians, and he is their whipping boy right now--as he should be as the leader of American politicians. As it gets closer, and Americans begin to face up to the real facts and the real-life choices they are going to have, sensibility and pragmatism are going to prevail. To some, he may be the most accurate incarnation of the "better of two evils" line that we hear so often. To others, he may be the most qualified and noble President they've ever had the opportunity to vote for in an election. I'm with the latter. Regardless, I'm growing more and more optimistic with each passing day.
The more I've thought about this, and the more I'm reading people I have a great deal of respect for, the better I'm starting to feel about everything. At this point. But I never underestimate the power of the Karl Rove-dark side. That's why I'm getting prepared now.
15 August 2011
Sing a Song of Sixpence
14 August 2011
Ernie Johnson, Sr.

12 August 2011
Uncle Matt

I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome my nephew, Matthew, into this wonderful world. My li'l sis had a precious baby boy on August first. All of us who love her and her fantastic husband are bustin' buttons with pride. Especially me. I'm gonna be the best uncle--since ever (to use a line from my favorite new music group). I know I have some tough competition out there.
11 August 2011
I'm a Teacher, man?!
10 August 2011
The Iron Horse: Lou Gehrig's Farewell Speech
09 August 2011
Bookie Jones

08 August 2011
We're Talkin' 'Bout Taxes?! Taxes?! (Insert Allen Iverson's voice here.)
- My old friend Ron and I reconnected a couple of years ago on Facebook. We were inseparable, best buds in middle school before he moved away to another town. It's been neat getting to know him as an adult. He's got a beautiful family and a great life.It didn't take long, however, for us to learn that we come from opposite sides of the political spectrum. Neither of us have much of a filter when it comes to telling people what we really think about things. We've had a couple of spirited exchanges over the span of our Facebook friendship. I've developed an admiration and respect for the way he handles himself in debates and discussions. He listens and he is courteous. It made me realize how rare these qualities are these days--in the current national political environment.The other day, Ron saw an article that I shared on Facebook from about some millionaires that didn't have to pay any federal income taxes last year. Very soon after I posted it, I reconsidered and pulled it down--I've been staying away from politics on Facebook lately because I've been so frustrated. I had kind of hoped no one had seen it, but Ron was on it. Here's how it went down:Ron: What happened to your article??? I had a GREAT rebuttal and now it's gone???Me: Dude, I pulled it down. I just can't get my thoughts together on all this business. What is your rebuttal?Me: Every time I think I'm ready to engage in discussion, I change my mind... But I'd like to hear what you have to say.Me: Speaking of taxes. It's a sales tax "holiday weekend" in AR for back to school shopping. Think I'll go cash in like a big ballin' high roller! Lol.Ron: I had the presence of mind to hit copy before I lost it. So, [below] was the exact post that I was going to put on the article. What do you think?Ron: I'm sorry, but good for them. They have been smart with their money and have chosen investments that have gotten them the lowest tax burden. Do you have a ROTH IRA? If you don't, then you should. It just makes good investment sense. I myself do everything I can to pay as little to the govt as possible. What do they want to do, stop deductions for charities? That would just doom the charities. The real issue is the 46% overall that don't pay taxes. You can't vilify the millionaires without pointing the finger at them as well. Most of the millionaires enjoy the protection of the [government] and enjoy the roads they provide, but they are not taking advantage of all the entitlements that most of the others that don't pay taxes use. This is why a flat tax or a national sales tax is so attractive. A national sales tax would even get money from illegal revenue (drug dealers don't pay taxes) as this money still has to be spent. I just think blaming some people who are fortunate enough to make millions without paying taxes should be the bad guy. They should be admired by the rest of us. Don't we all want financial success?Me: In a perfect world, good for them. Unfortunately, wealth reciprocates wealth and poverty reciprocates poverty. Wonder how many of those 1500 millionaires that didn't pay taxes were born into poverty and climbed out to claim their tax free American dream? It is possible though--as we are constantly reminded. Highly unlikely, but possible.
Heather and I both have a Roth IRA. We contribute as much as we can on our "fixed budget" every month. We purchased a new home last year in time to receive a 6000 dollar tax credit--not deduction--a credit. So I agree with part of what you said: it is wise to take advantage of tax credits and deductions every chance you get. I think we saved ourselves 10K or 12K last year alone by taking advantage of these "tax incentives." We still paid near a third of our income to the government. I also understand that the government provides goods and services for me and my family and my fellow citizens that we need. Things that make America what it is--the awesome home that it is to so many citizens.
I commend the millionaires that donated enough of their money to charity to avoid taxes. (The article indicated that someone who made 2 million dollars, for example, could have donated 1 million and avoided federal income tax). Forgive me for being cynical, but I doubt that was the case very often. On the other hand, many of the tax-free millionaires paid significant income tax in other countries but not here. I have a hard time wrapping my mind around that one. It wasn't their money paying for handouts like basic medical care, food, and shelter. Let's be honest, the millionaires who did all those "smart" things with their money to avoid taxes were playing by rules that they got to write. It is corrupt--immoral. There is nothing fair or noble or admirable about it. Please tell me you know and understand that.
There is no doubt, your mentality will make you and other people like you rich. Good for you. I'd like to see more people with that kind of money with a little more compassion and concern for others. I don't admire wealthy people because they are wealthy. I admire them when they use their wealth to make the world a better place. Castles, and yachts and diamond rings don't. Polo shirts and Gucci purses don't. Trust fund babies don't. Food, shelter, and basic medical services do. Clean drinking water does. Pot-hole free interstates and energy efficient cars do. Computers in public school classrooms do and qualified, passionate, well-compensated teachers do. Disaster relief funds and other emergency services do. College scholarships and the Peace Corps do. Etc., etc., etc.
I'm afraid the ideological divide in this country has become insurmountable. It's not a good situation. I'm at a loss...Ron: I guess where we agree is that the system is hopelessly broken. Is it fair for someone to make massive amounts of money and pay no taxes? No. Neither is it fair to me for someone to make moderate amounts of money and pay no taxes. I guess that is my point. Most of the tax breaks in the tax code are there for a reason. The mortgage deduction was put in place to spur spending in realestate (though many would say it is a bad idea and encourages people to purchase homes more expensive than they should and helped cause our current economic problem). Charitable deductions encourage charitable donations and billions are given every year to organizations that do a much better job at helping the poor than the government does. The problem is when the govt does stupid stuff like making large trucks deductible for companies as "farming equipment" just to spur spending for new cars (done under Bush) or cash for clunkers which was ment to spur new car purchases and get old vehicles off the road (Obama). But cash for clunkers only artificially increased used car prices and got more people into debt that they couldn't pay.
My problem is that making these 1,200 millionaires the bad guys will do nothing to fix our current problem. They are beating the system and there will always be people that are able to do that. The way we fix our problem is by getting more people to pay a share of the load. We have far too many people that do not contribute; they just take. We also need to stop spending. We need to fix entitlements and shut down parts of the govt that have outlived their usefulness. Have you ever heard of a government program that has ended? They don't. They just go on. Programs are created to fix a problem. The problem is that if they succeed, they fix the problem but don't go away. They continue. If they don't fix the problem, they continue. This mentality has to change. If it works, end the program. If it doesn't work, END THE PROGRAM and do something that does fix it. The truth is that most of what our federal govt does, it was not intended to do. Those of us that are paying taxes are asked to do too much for too many. We need to stop creating programs for what they are "intending" to do (though the intent may be admirable, i.e. Obamacare) and look at what we are truly able to do and what will be successful.
Many difficult decisions are on the horizon. We have made a culture of people that live off of a few. That is not fair. We should get the govt out of the way and let people make and spend their own money. That in turn will increase revenue for the govt. For example, no one who has a TV with cable and a DVD player should be on food stamps. I don't want to pay for your food if you are spending your money on "wants" instead of "needs."
Well, I could rant forever, but that would just make me late for church. Also, I due to the length of this note, I can't go back and proof what I wrote, so forgive me for typos and poor grammar. (I hate writing to you educators:)
Btw, if you aren't going to church this morning, you can watch our service (I am singing) on I will be at the west campus at 11a. Have a great day.We ended it with some small talk and my request to publish this little dialogue on my suffering, neglected blog. He graciously and enthusiastically agreed. And he's looking for a debate. If you're interested, have at it!Ron's a good friend. I like having someone out there that I can talk to about these things without getting blood-spitting angry--someone who I actually like that can give me insight into what the other side is saying and thinking. At the very core, there are some things we can agree on. We're gonna have to find these things and talk about them if any of us want to have any *hope* for the future.Thanks old buddy. To use one of my dad's old jokes, you're alright I don't care what Dina says about you!