10 April 2009


I have some time to myself while R.L. sleeps.  He got sick yesterday at daycare, and they sent him home early.  His temp was 103.  When I picked him up, his whole body was burning up.  It's our first experience with a really high fever.  

Doc encouraged us to look at the fever as a good thing.  It means that his immune system is actively fighting a virus, and the fever tells the white blood cells to work harder and makes their work more efficient.  Before we left, he advised us to resist treating the fever with any medication.  Instead, he said to monitor him closely and watch for drastic changes in behavior or symptoms. 

Last night when his temp hit 104.3, I couldn't stop myself.  Gave him a dose of baby Tylenol, and it brought it down to 102.  He's been resting pretty peacefully, and hasn't complained too much.  I can tell he feels terrible, but he's been so sweet.  

So I disobeyed the doctor's orders.  Not sure what to think about that.  All I know is it never gets stale, and I love that boy more than I ever knew I was capable of Loving. 

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