24 August 2011

Moderate Gains & Losses

The summer has been good to me here at Dirt Bombs. I've managed to turn some things around that needed some turning around. I've dropped some things that needed to be dropped. I've picked up some stuff that have added joy to my life. Here's a little "wellness fiscal report."

Summer losses:
  • 24 lbs. and counting
  • attachment to a couple of bad habits
  • the dark cloud, doubt
  • bitterness toward some of my life history
Summer gains:
  • a brilliant nephew, Matthew
  • Chipper "Bookie" Jones as gun dog, loyal companion
  • doable and healthy lifestyle routine
  • Mama and wife back home for good (no travel for work)
  • hope
  • a banjo and a smile
  • the desire to write
It's been a good one. Let's keep it rolling, folks. When you're doubting it, remember two things:

1) You're capable of more than you think you are.
B) It all starts with a brisk walk and some good tunes.

Love you guys.

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